The Automatic Seduction System PDF Free Download

The Automatic Seduction System by Chris Sixty PDF ebook download. Feel free to share this book with your followers on Twitter. ​I met Mitch through a horny friend six months before our date. Eve had her eye on his mate and I did her a solid. “Just entertain him,” she said. “Groans, fine whatever.” I was three months single and not ready to mingle. Eve made a beeline for the friend whose name I can’t remember. I didn’t see her for the rest of the night. I made friendly with Mitch but quickly learnt we had a mutual friend too close for comfort and clocked out of any romantic possibility. Still Mitch was a bit of a looker: tall, bearded, nice eyes, pretty suave and a smooth talker. After a few hours of chit chat we decided to call it a night and leave. Separately. In the cab home I got a text from Eve: a thumbs up emoji. I did my job as a mate, at least. Fast forward six months later, I was happily single and acting more like Eve did that night, with some success…