Over 40 Ab Solution

Over 40 Ab Solution ebook by Shaun Hadsall. Download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free from Webdocs. It is possible to build muscle mass, increase strength and make the body beautiful after 40 and even after 60. Naturally, you have to be more careful and patient, but beauty does not come to people just like that even when they are young. By the way, “the Over 40 Ab-Solution” training program that is created specifically for those over 40 was published recently. After three weeks of classes under this system my friend began to look 15 years younger. That’s what it means to remove the surplus fat on your belly. In order to achieve maximum results from the sport at the age of 40+, you need to take the following steps:

  1. To draw up a training program in accordance with the age, state of health and level of fitness. Start modestly, gradually increasing the load, duration and frequency of training. It is important to identify the purpose of your workout. For example: training of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthen of muscles, increase of joint mobility and muscle flexibility range, reducing the percentage of body fat, etc.
  2. It is recommended to perform aerobic exercise for 30 minutes (time duration can be increased, depending on the state of health and level of fitness) 3-5 times a week. Exercise should be moderate intensity, and there is no need to train at the limit of breathing capacity. You can combine several aerobic exercises: swimming, biking, hiking, aerobics or dancing classes in a group.
  3. Even a short workout is welcome. You can count the steps while walking and try to gradually reach 10,000 steps.
  4. It is important to conduct training on flexibility and the ability to keep balance at least 4 times a week (preferably every day).
  5. Anaerobic training is recommended. That is training where the load is applied on the muscles with medium and strong intensity. This workout can be performed in gym or at home with the proper equipment. You can also use the exercises that are performed with the weight of your own body (pull-ups, push-ups, exercises for the abdominal muscles, etc.)

Over 40 Ab Solution Ebook by Shaun Hadsall

Over 40 Ab Solution
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