Lover Mastery Course PDF Free Download

Lover Mastery – From Pickup Girls To Give Them Incredible Sex risk free download (PDF Files & Videos). I’m going to cut my foot off to stop my fucking socks from pulling the hair on it, I’m so tired of it. Any way, a girl gave me the “let’s just be friends” tonight, inconveniently after I paid for our date. Whatever, fine. It’s just money that I have a very small amount of with no more coming in. I can still afford for a few more girls to say “sure” to a date and then just totally reject me afterward. Yeah, I’m salty. I can tell she knew she didn’t want to date me beforehand, she should have just said no. It’s not like it was a bad date, it was just doomed from the fucking start. I was fucking agonizing over what to mark the dinner and movie down as in my transaction record. I almost just wrote “stupid mistake”. Yes, I keep a transaction record. I don’t trust banks any more than I trust women…